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交投活跃,成交额达一百一十三亿三千万元。上升股票共    373只,下跌股票共133只。Turnover was heavy at $11.33 billion with gainers leading losers 373 to 133.
政府已在    37间学校进行小班教学研究。The government had also been undertaking a study on small-class teaching in 37 schools.
政府已在    37间学校进行小班教学研究。The government had also been undertaking a study on small-class teaching in 37 schools.
该些诊所每次求诊收费    37元。The clinics charge $37 per visit.
就该两项罪名餐馆须缴付    4000元罚款,并再扣20分,结果要停业两周。This time the licensee was fined a total of $4,000 for the two convictions. A further 20 demerit points were also registered, leading to the 14-day suspension.
他们起获了1,    417本书及三部复印机。They seized 1,417 copies of books and three sets of photocopiers.
他们起获了1,    417本书及三部复印机。They seized 1,417 copies of books and three sets of photocopiers.
六个月的疗程成功率只有百分之    45.2. The success rate for six months' treatment was only 45.2 per cent.
恒生国企指数升    48.95点,报4,664.06点。The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index gained 48.95 points to 4,664.06.
基于回拨基制,公开认购比例将自动提升至    50%. The retail portion will be automatically increased to 50 per cent through a clawback mechanism.
八月的二手交投量下跌了    50%. Turnover in the secondary market had dropped 50 per cent in August.
天文台表示在上午一时至三时间共录得4,    593次闪电。The Observatory said there were 4,593 lightning strikes between 1am and 3am.
住宅空置率去年下降至    6.2%. The vacancy rate for residential properties fell to 6.2 per cent last year.
失业率在十二月轻微下降至    6.5%. The jobless rate dipped marginally in December to 6.5 per cent.
中五毕业生的平均起薪点为    6000元至8000元。The starting salary on average for form five graduates was now about $6000 to $8000.
随地吐痰及乱拋垃圾定额罚款增加逾倍,由    600元加至1500元。The fine for spitting and littering will more than double from $600 to $1,500.
联邦储备局减息半厘,刺激恒生指数上升百分之四点四二,相当于    645.45点,至15235.03点,交投活跃。The Hang Seng Index jumped 4.42 per cent, or 645.45 points, to 15,235.03 in heavy trade after the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark rates by half a percentage point.
去年三月的及格率为    65%. The pass rate was 65 per cent in March last year.
恒生指数昨日上升    652.44点,收市报14184.58点。The Hang Seng Index closed up 652.44 points at 14,184.58.
东隧宣布加价    67%. The Eastern Harbour Tunnel announced a 67 per cent toll increase.
政府昨日拍卖两幅地皮,成交价合共    7.06亿,比市场预期的8亿至10亿为低。Two sites were sold at a government land auction yesterday for a combined $706 million, well below market expectations of $800 million to $1 billion.
两只股票股价昨日大幅波动,天时软件最高升至    7.7元,浩伦农业亦曾升至全日高位2.75元。Trade in the market was volatile as shares in Timeless peaked at $7.70 during trade yesterday while China Agrotech saw a high of $2.75.
是次协就义是更紧密经贸关系的第二轮协议,共撤消额外    713项货品的入口配额限制。The deal is the second stage of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (Cepa), and eliminates import quotas on a further 713 product categories.
入境处去年批准3,    745名内地专才来港。The Immigration Department admitted 3,745 professionals from the mainland last year.
重建计划会影响    75座旧楼、1600个业权及5000名居民。The redevelopment will directly affect 75 old buildings, 1,600 property rights and more than 5,000 residents.
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