台北市市长马英九 Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou台北市立和平医院 Taipei Municipal Hoping Hospital台湾加权指数 Taipei Weighted Index台湾 Taiwan国务院台湾事务办公室(国台办) Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council台湾重新向美国提出购买三十部战斗直升机,以加强军事实力抗衡中国。 Taiwan has renewed its request to buy 30
advanced combat helicopters from the United States to boost its defences against the
mainland.台湾问题 Taiwan impasse/Taiwan Affairs台湾无限期拖廷统一谈判。 Taiwan indefinitely delayed negotiations aimed at reuniting
with the mainland.台湾目前的感染个案数字位居全球第三,仅次于中国大陆和香港,已被世界卫生组织发予旅游警告。 Taiwan now has the third
highest number of cases in the world, behind mainland China and Hong Kong, and enough to
earn a WHO travel advisory.(前)台湾总统李登辉 Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui台湾民选总统陈水扁 Taiwan President-elect Chen Shui-bian台湾外交部昨日重申,没有以借贷承诺来换取巴布亚新畿内亚的邦谊。 Taiwan reiterated yesterday that no loan
pledges were made to Pupua New Guinea in return for diplomatic recognition.台湾关系法 Taiwan Relations Act台湾不应寻求独立。 Taiwan should not pursue independence.台湾团结联盟(台联) Taiwan Solidarity Union台湾海峡 Taiwan Strait台湾疾病控制中心 Taiwan's Center for Disease Control(前)台湾驻港最高代表郑安国 Taiwan's de facto representative Cheng An-kuo台湾第一夫人 Taiwan's First Lady台湾行政院长游锡 Taiwan's Premier Yu Shyi-kun台湾第二大反对党 Taiwan's second-largest opposition party自从陈水扁上任,七个月来台湾股市跌幅达半。 Taiwan's share market has seen its value slashed in
half over the seven months since Mr Chen took office.台式冻饮 Taiwan-styled iced drink台商/台湾商人 Taiwanese businesspeople光华新闻文化中心 Taiwanese Kwang-hwa Information and Culture Centre 语际翻译 版权所有
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