- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 出席选举论坛 take part in election debates
- 加入地下教会 take part in the unofficial, or underground, church
- 拍风景照 take pictures of scenery
- 获利回吐 take profits from recent gains
- 量血压 take somebody's blood pressure
- 把脉 take somebody's pulse
- 量体温 take somebody's temperature
- 考入学试 take the entrance exam
- 在性生活中采取主动 take the initiative in their sex life
- 按照规例宣誓效忠基本法 take the required oath to uphold the Basic Law
- 逐步来 take things one step at a time
- 上街抗争/上街抗议/走上街头 take to the streets in protest/street protests
- 买下所有供股股份 take up all the rights issue
- 公明党党魁神崎武法 Takenori Kanzaki, the New Komeito leader
- 深呼吸 taking a deep breath
- 独排众议、不听意见 taking a go-it-alone approach
- 接受预订暑期机票 taking bookings for summer flights
- 服食中药 taking Chinese herbal medicine
- 用…作掩护 taking cover behind……
- 收取回佣 taking kickbacks
- 控告麦当奴 taking McDonald's to court
- 参与工会活动 taking part in union activities
- 参与义务工作/做义工 taking part in volunteer work
- 服毒 taking poison
- 现阶段先行获利 taking profits at this level