- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 大量屠杀食物链上最高级的生物会大大破坏海洋生态平衡。 Taking such vast numbers of animals from the top of the food chain was tampering dangerously with the ocean's natural balance.
- 未经医生处方服用该药物 taking the drug without a doctor's prescription
- 送伤者去医院 taking the injured to hospital
- 利用实行强积金的机会去削减员工薪金和福利 taking the opportunity of the implementation of the MPF system to make cutbacks in the existing salaries and benefits of employees
- 施舍给乞丐的钱 takings
- 政治人才 talented politicians/political talents
- 无实权的委员会 talking shop
- (谈判)破裂( talks) break down/founder/collapse
- (谈判)不顺利( talks) falter (vi)
- (谈判)陷入僵局( talks) reach an impasse/is deadlocked
- 谭香文 Tam Heung-man
- 谭耀宗 Tam Yiu-chung
- 电子宠物鸡 Tamagotchi
- 罗望子 tamarind
- 冷却经济之余却不会失去改革动力/减慢改革步伐 tame the economy without sacrificing the reform momentum
- 特敏福 Tamiflu
- 泰米尔之虎 Tamil Tigers
- 三苯氨胺(预防乳癌复发的药物) tamoxifen
- 邓肇坚医院 Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
- 坦克车 tank
- 坦克车向阿拉法官邸发炮无数 tanks rained shells on his office building
- 印度密教经典、密教哲学、印度教密宗 tantrics
- 坦桑尼亚(达累斯萨拉姆) Tanzania(Dar-es-Salaam)
- 道教 Taoism
- 水龙头 tap