- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 窃听电话内容 tap conversations
- 塔门洲 Tap Mun Chau/Grass Island
- 踏石角 Tap Shek Kok
- 水喉水/自来水 tap water
- 偷录被告与律师的对话 taped a conversation between one of the accused and his solicitor
- 聆讯录音显示她亲口认罪。 Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.
- 焦油 tar
- 玷污品牌 tar the brand
- 趴地熊 Tare Panda
- 目标为本课程 Target-Oriented Curriculum
- 免关税 tariff-free
- 收费 tariffs
- 两地间某些制品的关税将撤销。 Tariffs will be eliminated on certain manufactured goods traded between the two places.
- 玷污了政府公仆廉洁诚实的形象 tarnished the clean and honest image of government workers
- 塔罗牌 tarot cards
- 牙垢 tartar
- 塔沙地人 Tasaday
- 专责小组 taskforce
- 塔斯曼海 Tasman Sea
- 味蕾 taste buds
- 试酒 taste-test wine
- 日本多多罗大桥 Tatara Bridge
- 大老山 Tate's Cairn
- 大老山公路 Tate's Cairn Highway
- 大老山隧道 Tate's Cairn Tunnel