膏蟹 Female Green Crab去年打击港元狙击者 fend off last year's speculative attack on the dollar野生的 feral张超雄 Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung搜捕北韩间谍 ferret out North Korean spies细菌温床 fertile grounds for germs受精卵 fertilised eggs多仔丸 fertility drugs受精 fertilization胚胎细胞 fetal cells体温计/探热针 fever thermometer很少中国公司可以凭借国内的成功而晋身成为世界品牌。 Few Chinese companies have been able to leverage
success in their homeland ito an international brand.很少政客敢于在公众地方露面。 Few politicians dared to make public appearances.未婚夫 fiance未婚妻 fiancee光纤电缆 fiber-optical cable/optical cable纤维肌瘤 fibroid子宫肌肿 fibroid of the uterus虚构的 fictitious派出党员参加地区直选 fielded candidates to contest geographical elections农田 fields十五名男子和五名女子怀疑和该宗绑架案有关,已被警方拘捕。 Fifteen men and five women have been arrested
in connection with the kidnap.发出五十张诉讼令,入禀高等法院。 Fifteen writs were filed in the High Court.百分之五十三的受访者认为梁锦松捐款十万也不能平息民愤。 Fifty three per cent of the respondents said Mr
Leung's donation of $100,000 would not reduce the public's anger.百分之五十五生下孩子,百分之二十九堕胎,其余小产。 Fifty-five per cent gave birth, 29 per cent had
abortions and the rest miscarried. 语际翻译 版权所有
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