- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 财政司司长曾荫权表示有信心他最后一份预算案在民主党支持下可获通过。 Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen said yesterday he was confident his last Budget would be passed with Democratic Party members' support.
- (前)财政司司长梁锦松 Financial Secretary Mr Antony Leung Kam-chung
- 财政司司长办公室 Financial Secretary's Office
- 金融服务界 Financial Services
- 财经事务及库务局 Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
- 金融时报 Financial Times
- 财政上的可行性 financial viability
- 融资计划 financing plans
- 找到替补人选 find a replacement
- 找暑期工 finding a summer job
- 来不及补货 finding it difficult to keep their shelves stocked
- 寻找广告以外的收入来源 finding new sources of nonadvertising revenue
- 发现乳房有肿块 finds a lump in her breast
- 手指 finger
- 指纹 finger print
- 指甲 fingernail
- 完成夜更 finish a night shift
- 芬兰(赫尔辛基) Finland(Helsinki)
- 芬兰航空 Finnair
- 消防钟 fire alarm (n); set off the fire alarm
- 灭火毡 fire blanket
- 火灾危险警告 fire danger warning
- 防烟门 fire door
- 火警演习 fire drill
- 消防车 fire engine/fire truck