- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 急救箱 first aid kit
- 急救说明书 first aid manual
- 首日封 first day cover
- 在七月首度上庭 first made court appearances in July
- 首次犯罪者 first offenders
- 第一太平银行 First Pacific Bank Ltd.
- 头等 first-class
- 首宗本地感染个案 first-ever locally contracted case
- 首次置业人士 first-time home buyers
- 刺激经济的一篮子方案 fiscal stimulus package
- 鱼类统营处 Fish Marketing Organisation
- 水族箱、金鱼缸 fish tank
- 渔船 fishing fleet/fishing boat
- 渔港 fishing harbours
- 鱼村 fishing villages
- 拳头 fist
- 五种从内地入口的淡水鱼 five kinds of freshwater fish imported from the mainland
- 五个收费电视牌照 five licences to operate pay-television channels
- 为期五天的太空任务 five-day space mission
- 五星级酒店 five-star hotels
- 五年可换股债券 five-year convertible bond issue
- 固定资产 fixed asset
- 固网电话公司 fixed line provider
- 交通违例定额罚款 fixed penalty tickets for traffic offences
- 固定电话线客户 fixed-line phone customers