冲厕 flush the toilet飞返香港 flying back to Hong Kong坐经济舱 flying in economy/fly economy飞行时数 flying time火炭 Fo Tan发泡胶饭盒 foam food boxes/styrofoam container口吐白沫 foaming at the mouth胎儿 foetus鹅肝酱 foie gras叶酸 Folic Acid更紧贴民意 follow public opinion even more closely跟进事件 follow up the case/pursue the matter人买我又买 followed the crowd随着中国加入世贸,粤港两地合作的机会更多。 Following China's accession to the World Trade
Organisation, co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong will rise to new heights.
煸动革命 foment revolution粮食援助 food aid联合国粮食及农业组织 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations食物环境卫生署 Food and Environmental Hygiene Department美食博览 Food Expo食物卫生 food hygiene食品制造商 food manufacturers食品金字塔 food pyramid食物样本 food samples带走食物样本化验 food samples were taken for testing脚 foot 语际翻译 版权所有
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