- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 冲厕 flush the toilet
- 飞返香港 flying back to Hong Kong
- 坐经济舱 flying in economy/fly economy
- 飞行时数 flying time
- 火炭 Fo Tan
- 发泡胶饭盒 foam food boxes/styrofoam container
- 口吐白沫 foaming at the mouth
- 胎儿 foetus
- 鹅肝酱 foie gras
- 叶酸 Folic Acid
- 更紧贴民意 follow public opinion even more closely
- 跟进事件 follow up the case/pursue the matter
- 人买我又买 followed the crowd
- 随着中国加入世贸,粤港两地合作的机会更多。 Following China's accession to the World Trade Organisation, co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong will rise to new heights.
- 煸动革命 foment revolution
- 粮食援助 food aid
- 联合国粮食及农业组织 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- 食物环境卫生署 Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
- 美食博览 Food Expo
- 食物卫生 food hygiene
- 食品制造商 food manufacturers
- 食品金字塔 food pyramid
- 食物样本 food samples
- 带走食物样本化验 food samples were taken for testing
- 脚 foot