- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 外资涌入。 Foreign investment has flooded in.
- 海外投资者 foreign investors
- 外资蜂拥进入。 Foreign investors have rushed in.
- 大马外长阿卜杜拉 Foreign Minister Abdullah Bodawi
- 俄罗斯外长伊万诺夫 Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
- 中国外交部长李肇星 Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing
- 日本外相町川信孝 Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura
- 中国外长唐家璇 Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan
- 中国外交部发言人唐国强 Foreign Ministry spokesman Tang Guoqiang
- 外交政策 foreign policy
- 外交政策是今次总统选举的最重要议题。 Foreign policy has dominated the race for the presidency.
- 外地游客 foreign tourists
- 外资银行 foreign-owned bank
- 外交政策分析家 foreign-policy analyst
- 工头、领班 foreman
- 用于法庭的证据 forensic evidence
- 军械法证科 Forensic Firearms Examination Bureau
- 前戏 foreplay
- 预期大市在未来数周仍会继续整固 foresee that the market will still be under consolidation in the coming weeks
- 前滩 foreshore
- 就政制发展达成共识 forge a consensus on constitutional development
- 放弃参选 forge the ballot box
- 伪造信用状 forging a letter of credit
- 径行罢工 forging ahead with the strike
- 伪造亡夫遗嘱 forging her husband's will