足部按摩店 foot massage parlours口蹄病 foot-and-mouth disease一段影片 footage离英格兰超级联赛开锣只余两周,有线电视终于和ESPN达成协议,来季可以直播英格兰超级联赛。各位球迷终于可以松一口气了。 Football fans
breathed a sigh of relief last night as Cable TV struck a deal with ESPN to secure live
broadcasts of English Premier League matches, two weeks before the season kicks off.
足球流氓 football hooligans近月很多人都在讨论中国是否经济过热。 For months, there has been much debate about whether the
economy is overheating.俄罗斯为阻止车臣共和国独立,打了十多年残酷的战争。 For more than a decade, the Kremlin has waged a
brutal war to prevent the secession of the republic of Chechnya.对某些人来说,经济状况迫使他们做夜更工作。 For some, it is economic circumstance that drives
them into night-shift work.中国企业的命运首次掌握在海外投资者手里。 For the first time, the fate of a Chinese company
hangs on overseas shareholders.不准报导其它敏感话题 forbade coverage of other sensitive topics迫使来港飞机转飞别处 force incoming planes to divert强制驱逐出境 force them out of the country迫使他们要在法庭上自辩 forced them to represent themselves in court强迫遣返 forcible removals福特 Ford前臂 forearm预期楼价会上升百分之五 forecast a five per cent rise in property prices预期经济会好转 forecast a rebound in the economy预期初期搭客量为每日十万人次 forecast initial daily traffic of about 100,000 people两条路线的预期载客量 forecasts of passenger numbers on these two lines额头 forehead外国记者会 Foreign Correspondents' Club本港外籍家庭佣工 foreign domestic helpers外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market/forex market外国人质 foreign hostages 语际翻译 版权所有
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