和台湾结成军事联盟 forging military alliances with Taiwan伪造官方文件 forging official documents放弃学业 forgo school放弃了标准的产前检查 forgoing standard prenatal visits结成一条龙学校 form 'through-train'结成一条龙学校 form 'through-train'沿着维多利亚港组成人链 form a human chain along Victoria Harbour中四学位 Form Four places正规大学 formal universities正式担任署理特首 formally assumed his position as acting chief executive正式辞去主席职务 formally step down from the party's chairmanship组成钻石名单 formed a diamond vote机管局前行政总监董诚亨 Former Airport Authority chief executive Dr. Hank Townsend前基本法草委许崇德 former Basic Law drafter Xu Chongde前中国总理朱镕基仍然是最受香港人欢迎的两岸政治人物。 Former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji continues to
be the most popular political figure on the mainland and Taiwan前政府宿舍 former government quarters前东京都知事青岛幸男 former Governor Yukio Aoshima of Tokyo英国汇丰控股前主席蒲伟士 former HSBC chairman Sir William Purves曾吸烟的人 former smokers联交所前主席利国伟 former stock exchange chairman Charles Lee Yeh-kwong联交所前主席郑维健 former stock exchange chairman Cheng Wai-kin联交所前主席李业广 former stock exchange chairman Sir Quo-wei Lee前学运领袖 former student leaders前台湾省省长宋楚瑜 former Taiwan governor James Soong Chu-yu白仓鱼 Formfret 语际翻译 版权所有
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