游离基/自由基 free radicals自由贸易协议 free trade agreement免费赠品 freebie集会自由 freedom of assembly言论自由被压制 freedom of speech was being suppressed民政事务局局长何志平警告,倘若传媒不能洁身自爱,违反新闻道德,走上庸俗化之路,香港新闻自由将会死于安乐。 Freedom of the press
in Hong Kong will die if the media do not guard against vulgarity and unethical
reporting, the secretary for home affairs has warned.释放政治犯 freeing political prisoners最自由经济美誉 freest economy crown全面暂停招聘公务员 freeze civil service recruitment across the board冻薪 freeze pay停售居屋十个月 freeze sales of Home Ownership scheme flats for 10 months因经济衰退冻结收费 freeze tariffs because of the economic downturn冷冻柜、冰柜 freezer停止卖地/暂停卖地 freezing land sales炸薯条 French Fries法国矿泉水 French mineral water法国总统希拉克 French President Jacques Chirac激烈竞投 frenetic bidding飞行奖赏 frequent flyer points新鲜出炉 fresh-from-the-oven令口气清新 freshen breath鲜鸡 freshly-slaughtered poultry桂花鱼 Freshwater Grouper美国股市周五创下单日最大跌幅纪录。杜指下挫六百一十七点七八,跌幅达百分之五点六六,收报一万三百零五点七七。近期股价上升的金融股股价打回原形。
Friday saw record-breaking point drops on the three US indices, with the Dow Jones
Industrial Average down 617.78 points, or 5.66 per cent, to 10,305.77, as financial
stocks lost all their recent gains.炸鸡翼 fried chicken wing 语际翻译 版权所有
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