(误为)友火(所伤) friendly fire地球之友 Friends of the Earth(老师)恐吓儿子时没有顾及儿子感受 frightening her son without considering his feelings严寒疾风 frigid blasts艺穗会 Fringe Club从你们踏上大陆的那一刻起,我们两党就共同迈出了历史性的一步。 From the moment you set foot on the
mainland, our two parties have taken a historic step forward.我从各个情报管道得知,**操踪股市,令股市暴跌。 From various channels of intelligence, I have
gathered information that the stock crash was due to manipulation by the KMT.封面 front cover客厅 front room前线记者 front-line reporters头条独家报导 front-page scoops前线医生联盟 Frontline Doctors' Union前线医护人员 frontline medical workers前线员工 frontline officers/frontline staff/frontline employees前线警员士气 frontline police morale前线社工 frontline social workers领先的候选人 frontrunner冻伤 frostbite冻伤了的手指 frostbitten fingers在路上冻死 froze to death on the way果糖 fructose水果挞 fruit tarts生果金 fruit-money payments果皮箱 fruit-rind boxes水果主义 fruitarianism 语际翻译 版权所有
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