- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 星期美点式的政策/随波逐流的政策 flavour-of-the month policies
- 一无所得地逃走 fled empty-handed
- 情况混乱下逃走 fled in confusion
- 乘电单车逃离现场 fled the scene on a motorbike
- 逃离家园 fled their homes
- 逃离饥荒和压迫 flee famine and oppression
- 食肉菌感染 flesh-eating bacteria infection
- 食肉苍蝇/食肉蝇 flesh-eating screw-worm fly
- 空中服务员/空姐 flight attendant
- 资金外流 flight of capital
- 黑盒/飞行纪录仪 flight recorders
- 圣诞节和农历新年的航班照常服务。 Flights over Christmas and the Lunar New Year would go ahead as scheduled.
- 香港有妻子,内地有情妇,要两头走 flit between wives in the SAR and live-in mistresses on the mainland
- 海鲜舫 floating restaurants
- 花车 floats
- 蜂拥至电话店 flock to phone shops
- 令街上挤满巴士 flood the roads with buses
- 水浸黑点 flooding black spots
- 水深及腰 floodwater reached waist height
- 招股价 flotation price
- 无家无业的人/无家可归的失业人士/被社会遗弃的人/流浪贫民 flotsam/flotsam and jetsam
- 违反交通规则 flout the rules of the road
- 无视法纪/无法无天 flouted the law
- 杉斑 Flowery Grouper
- 氟 Fluorine