- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 固网电话服务 fixed-line phone services
- 固网电讯业务 fixed-line telephone business
- 定息按揭计划 fixed-rate mortgage plans
- 挽救疲弱的经济 fixing the shuddering economy
- (人)肥肉 flab
- 截的士 flag a taxi/hail a taxi
- 起表收费 flagfall charge
- 旗舰公司 flagship
- 旗舰店 flagship store
- 火舌从破烂的窗口冒出 flames shooting out of smashed windows
- 面巾 flannel/facecloth/wash-cloth
- (战火)重燃 flare up
- 爆发的冲突 flare-up
- 快闪党 flash mob
- (战争的)爆发点、导火线、引爆点 flashpoint
- 住宅发售计划 Flat for Sale Scheme
- 牛鳅 Flat Head
- 琵琶虾 Flat Lobster
- 平底鞋 flat shoes
- 平面显示屏幕 flat-paneled display screens
- 平面电视 flat-screen TVs
- (地震)夷平城镇 flattened cities and towns
- 赞美花小姐的纤腰 flattering Hua on her waist size
- 类黄酮素 flavonoid
- 类黄酮 flavonoids