- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 竖立肌 erector muscle
- 工效学 ergonomics
- 影响编辑自主 erode his editorial autonomy/interfered with the editorial independence
- 性幻想 erotic fantasies
- 误入歧途的 errant
- 飘忽不定的(台风) erratic
- 掩人耳目 escape detection
- 逃生门 escape doors
- 逃生门 escape doors
- 逃过刺杀 escaped assassination
- 爬窗出去再从阳台跳下逃生 escaped by climbing through a window and jumping from a balcony
- 未有因为游行抗议学费而被起诉 escaped prosecution over a tuition fee rally
- 侥幸没受重伤 escaped serious injury
- 避过大量便衣警员的搜捕行动 escaped the huge undercover dragnet
- 食道 esophagus
- 间谍活动 espionage activities/spying activities
- 成立扶贫委员会 establish a commission to alleviate poverty
- 实行根据市场需求、有管理的、浮动的汇率制度 establish a market-based, managed and floating exchange rate
- 及早抢占未来的通讯标准的市场 establish an important early foothold in the telecom standard for the future
- 建立了新的全球经济秩序 established a new global economic order
- 建交 established diplomatic ties/establish diplomatic relations
- 地产代理监管局 Estate Agents Authority
- 地产代理 estate agents/property agents
- 遗产税 estate duty
- 爱沙尼亚(塔林) Estonia(Tallinn)