- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 提高师资 enhance/upgrade the quality of teachers
- 提高师资 enhance/upgrade the quality of teachers
- 改善家居及社区照顾服务 Enhanced Home and Community Care Services
- 资源增值计划 Enhanced Productivity Programme
- 加快儿童智力成长/加快儿童智力发展 enhances a child's intellectual growth/prod children's intellectual growth
- 加快儿童智力成长/加快儿童智力发展 enhances a child's intellectual growth/prod children's intellectual growth
- 提高行政效率 enhancing administrative efficiency
- 提高管治质素 enhancing the quality of governance
- 乐于学习 enjoy learning
- 乐于学习 enjoy learning
- 收生时有更大自由度 enjoy more freedom in enrolling students
- 享有高度自治 enjoyed a high degree of autonomy
- 获得美国资助 enjoys patronage of the US
- 增强他们的政治影响力 enlarge their political influence
- 把选举委员会扩大至三千人 enlarging the Election Committee to 3,000 members or more
- 金菇 enoki mushroom
- 巨型玻璃天幕 enormous glass canopy
- 激怒中国政府 enraged Beijing
- 增益课程 enrichment courses
- 增益课程 enrichment courses
- 强调江主席的三个代表理论乃立党之本 enshrining Mr Jiang's theory of ''Three Representatives'' in the party constitution
- 确保粤港之间货流畅通 ensure a smooth flow of cargo between Guangdong and Hong Kong
- 确保动物得到人道对待 ensure animals are humanely treated
- 确保政府落实执行政策 ensure effective implementation of policies
- 确保政府运作顺利 ensure smooth operation of the government