- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 确保不会有青少年因贫穷而失学 ensure that no young person will be deprived of education for lack of financial means
- 确保不会有青少年因贫穷而失学 ensure that no young person will be deprived of education for lack of financial means
- 确保政府能够妥善响应社会的诉求 ensure the Government can better respond to the demands of the community
- 确保(维兰托)就东渧汶屠杀事件得到公平审讯 ensure the inquiry into abuses committed in East Timor proceeded without any suggestion of bias
- 确保你的硬盘和电邮不会受到计算机病毒感染 ensure your hard drive and e-mail are not infected
- 确保平稳过渡 ensuring a smooth post-handover transition
- 保证法律面前人人平等 ensuring that all are equal before the law
- 进入你的世界 enter in your life
- 两年前入行 entered the profession two years ago
- 短期内入市 entering the market in the short term
- 肠球菌 Enterococci
- 肠病毒 enterovirus
- 娱乐版 entertainment section
- 娱乐场所 entertainment venues
- 十分顽固的 entrenched
- 转口港 entrepot
- 入学试 entry examination
- 入门级的 entry-level
- 夜尿症 enuresis/bed wetting
- 环境污染物 environmental contaminants
- 环保团体 environmental groups/green groups
- 环境影响评估条例 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance
- 环境保护署 Environmental Protection Department
- 环保产业 environmental protection industry
- 环保其实是一种生活态度,只要养成习惯,就跟刷牙洗面一样,可以成为生活的一部分。 Environmental protection is a kind of living attitude. As long as you treat it as a habit, like brushing your teeth, then it'll become a part of your life.