- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 环境风险 environmental risk
- 环保人士 environmentalist
- 环境保护学者、环保人士 environmentalist/conservationist
- 环保用料 environmentally friendly material
- 环保月饼盒 environmentally friendly mooncake boxes
- 环保购物袋 environmentally friendly shopping bags
- 对环境无害的 environmentally friendly/green (a); green products
- 环境运输及工务局 Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
- 预见、设想、估计 envisaged (vt)(vi); I don't envisage working with him again./ I can't envisage her coping with this job./It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring./I don't envisage any major problems.
- 订定各家院校户角色分工/规管各家院校角色 envisaging specific roles for each university
- 订定各家院校户角色分工/规管各家院校角色 envisaging specific roles for each university
- 使节 envoy; An envoy is someone who is sent to another country as an official representative. An emissary is someone who is sent with an official message or to do special work, often secretly./A special envoy was sent to try to secure the release of the hostages.
- 酵素 enzymes
- 麻黄(提取麻黄素) ephedra
- 麻黄素(治哮喘) ephedrine
- (传染病)爆发 epidemic/outbreak
- 流行病学家 epidemiologist
- 表皮 epidermis
- 附睪 epididymis
- 会厌软骨 epiglottis
- 癫痫 epilepsy
- 平等机会委员会 Equal Opportunities Commission
- 含糊其辞 equivocation
- 消灭(病菌) eradicate
- 勃起组织 erectile tissue