- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中大调查要求市民就传媒公信力评分,一分最低,十分最高,结果传媒公信力平均得分 6.54.一九九七年和九八年的平均分分别是6.44和5.91. When asked to rank their confidence in media on a scale of one to 10, respondents to the Chinese University survey gave a score of 6.54 compared with 6.44 in 1997 and 5.91 in 1998.
- 在 7.50元会有颇强支持would see fairly strong support at $7.50
- 把持股量从 72%减持到49% whittling his stake in the company to 49% from 72%
- 除了业界龙头汇丰银行外,其它银行股一律报跌。恒生银行跌一元,或百分之一点二六,收报 78元5角。With the exception of market leader HSBC, bank shares were broadly lower at the close yesterday, with Hang Seng's shares ending down HK$1.00, or 1.26 per cent, at HK$78.50.
- 和某方交战 wage war against somebody
- 腰 waist
- 先等候车祸的调查报告,再作出赔偿 wait for the investigation report into the crash before making any payouts
- 等候接受肝脏移植手术 waiting for a liver transplant
- 等待剪发 waiting for a trim
- 取消收费 waive the charges
- 撤消对回购股票的限制 waived its restrictions on stock repurchases
- 停收租金一个月 waiving housing rent for one month
- 豁免差饷、水费和排污费 waiving their rates and water and sewerage charges
- 没经检查就穿越保安人员 walked past security officials unchecked???
- 手提通话机 walkie-takies
- 助行架 walking frame
- 华尔街股市 Wall Street
- 华尔街日报 Wall Street Journal
- 墙纸 wallpaper
- 湾仔区 Wan Chai
- 尹从事高利贷和非法赌博事业,捞得数千万元。 Wan raked in tens of millions of dollars from his loansharking and illegal gambling operations.
- 爱滋行动计划的创立人万延海 Wan Yanhai, founder of an organization called the AIDS Action Project
- 万山群岛 Wanshan Island
- 希望保持苗条 want to remain slim???
- 希望中医能纳入医学界功能组别 wanted Chinese herbalists to be included in the medical functional constituency