需要整年留在病床上接受治疗 was confined to bed for a year while receiving therapy于星期四证实患上非典型肺炎 was confirmed on Thursday to be suffering from atypical
pneumonia考虑加快更换旧水管 was considering speeding up the replacement of old water pipes
被裁定鲁莽驾驶罪成 was convicted of reckless driving在台南扫街拜票 was cruising the streets in the southern city of Tainan抵院时证实死亡 was dead on arrival at the hospital送院后证实不治 was declared death at hospital她被控从事间谍活动,不准保释 was denied bail on espionage-related charges被指控为反革命份子 was denounced as a counterrevolutionary被遣返回澳洲 was deported to Australia被内地政府扣留三天 was detained by the mainland government for three days涉嫌带走赎金而遭扣留 was detained on suspicion of acting as a courier for ransom进行定期身体检查时,发现患上早期前列线癌 was diagnosed with a low-grade form of the disease
during a routine medical check被诊断患上早期乳癌 was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer对考评局处理事件的手法不满 was dissatisfied with the authority's handling of the
situation对黑社会的恐吓显得忧心如焚 was distraught over triad threats较早前被视为角逐第二届特首的热门人选 was earlier tipped to be a contender in the next chief
executive election获选为新任教宗 was elected the new pope当选立法会议员 was elected to Legco在其沈阳家中被公安带走 was escorted from his Shenyang home by police目前情况危殆 was fighting for his life迫食烟头 was forced to eat cigarette butts被强制休假 was forced to go on involuntary leave被迫在海南岛紧急降落 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan Island迎新营期间被迫玩淫猥的游戏 was forced to play obscene games at an orientation camp 语际翻译 版权所有
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