- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 和警犭一起巡逻 was on patrol with a dog
- (桩柱)长度仅及标准长度的一半 was only half the required depth
- 原籍福建 was originally from Fujian province
- 于九六年被迫离开通用电器,由辛普森爵士接替其职位 was ousted from GEC in 1996 and succeeded by Lord Simpson
- 昏了过去 was overpowered by dizziness
- 被乘客和机组人员制服 was overpowered by passengers and crew
- 部分被烧焦 was partially singed
- (食品)过期 was past its sell-by date
- 终生坐轮椅 was permanently confined to a wheelchair
- (医院)设备简陋 was poorly equipped
- 由某人主持 was presided over by somebody
- 宣布他「从医学上来说已是死亡」 was pronounced clinically dead
- 从某地撤离 was pulled out of somewhere
- 因涉嫌藉非法的股票交易来增加自己的控股权而入狱 was put behind bars for alleged illegal share transactions aimed at strengthening his control of the group
- 缓刑一年 was put on probation for a year
- 对外界刺激有反应 was reacting to outside stimuli
- 被炸成废墟 was reduced to rubble by an explosion
- 经九个月单独囚禁被释放 was released from nine months' solitary confinement
- 获准以一千元保释外出,等候警方进一步调查 was released on $1000 bail pending further police investigation
- 被保释外出 was released on bail
- 多次被拒保释 was repeatedly denied bail
- 回归祖国 was reunited with the Motherland
- 重返高地价政策 was reverting to a high land-price policy
- (车卡)撕开 was ripped apart
- 对该决定感难过 was saddened by the decision