- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 在大陆投资 was investing on the mainland
- 入狱(一段时间) was jailed for……
- 被拘留,兼且不得与外界接触 was kept incommunicado
- 被禁锢在加连威老道一个单位 was kept prisoner in a Granville Road flat
- 被封爵 was knighted
- 后来获无条件释放 was later released unconditionally
- 以经改良的长征火箭(将宇宙飞船送上太空) was launched with a new model of the Long March rocket
- 一队护卫护送她离开机场,乘上房车离去 was led out of the airport by a team of bodyguards and whisked away in a limousine
- (小孩)无人看管 was left unattended
- 正对准他/瞄准他 was leveled at him
- 于二千年十月五日在香港上市 was listed on Hong Kong's stock exchange on October 5, 2000
- 在英国爆发疯牛症疫症时于英国居住 was living in Britain at the height of the UK's mad-cow disease epidemic
- 未过试用期就被酒店辞退了 was made redundant from a hotel job before even passing probation
- 提出来审议 was mooted
- 颈和腰受重伤致死 was mortally wounded in the neck and stomach
- 大部分转口往内地发售 was mostly for re-export to the mainland
- 在现阶段不会考虑 was not being considered at this stage
- 没有呼吸脉搏 was not breathing and had no pulse
- (医生)不允许她在生子后才进行(子宫切除)手术 was not given the option of postponing the operation until the baby's birth
- 没有实时倒塌的危险 was not in any immediate danger of collapse
- 没有兴趣参选 was not interested in running
- 对生意并不乐观 was not optimistic about his business prospects
- 不是事情主因 was not the crux of the matter
- (事件)与千年虫无关 was not Y2K-related
- 每次口交获十万元报酬 was offered $100,000 for each oral sex act