- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 无牌小贩 unlicensed hawkers/illegal hawkers
- 沽出六亿五千一百八十八万股电盈股份 unloaded 651.88 million PCCW shares
- 解开沙士变换寄主之谜 unlock the mystery of how SARS jumped host species
- 未婚妈妈 unmarried mothers
- 昨晨有破纪录数目的老年人轮候派米。 Unprecedented numbers of elderly people queued in the early hours yesterday for traditional rice handouts.
- 不合格的英文教师/未达标的英文教师 unqualified English teachers
- 无代表律师的当事人/自辩的当事人 unrepresented litigants
- 动乱 unrest (u); There is growing unrest in the south of the country./The country was in a state of unrest./These drastic measures were necessary to prevent further social unrest.
- 极佳的机会 unrivalled opportunity
- 没有受伤的 unscathed (a); walked away from the accident completely unscathed/The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.
- 不择手段的 unscrupulous
- 无良雇主 unscrupulous employers
- 推翻某人 unseat somebody (vt)/topple somebody; The opposition tried to unseat the government./You'll see - we'll unseat the President at the next election.
- 透露治港蓝图 unveil his blueprint for ruling Hong Kong
- 公布一连串加价和加税措施,并要求社会作更多捐助及减少福利 unveiled a slew of increased fees and levies, higher social contributions and reduced benefits
- 公布大众期待已久的政改方案 unveiled its much-anticipated political reform proposals
- 公布公司全年业绩 unveiling his companies' annual results
- 不知情的、无意的 unwitting
- 更新防毒软件对抗病毒 update the anti-virus signature to guard against this worm
- 打簿 update their passbooks/get a bank statement/bringing their passbooks up to date
- 改善投资环境 upgrade its investment environment
- 提升学生的语文能力 upgrade the language ability of our students
- 提升技能 upgrade their skills
- 提升技能 upgrade their skills
- 维持党内团结、社会和政治稳定 upheld the unity within the party and social and political stability