- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 去寒去暑 banish excessive heat and cold
- 中国银行 Bank of China
- 东亚银行 Bank of East Asia Ltd.
- 日本央行 Bank of Japan
- 银行保险库 bank vault
- 对该计划融资 bankroll the project
- 上月的破产申请个案比八月下降了百分之十二 bankruptcy petitions fell 12 per cent last month from August
- 除非银行体系结余持续下降,否则不太可能加息。 Banks would be unlikely to raise their rates unless there was a persistent decrease in the aggregate balance.
- 停止接受曾在八零至九六年间,留英半年或以上人士捐血 banned blood donations from anyone who spent six months or more in Britian between 1980 and 1996
- 禁书 banned books
- 禁制生猪入口 banned imports of live pigs
- 禁止使用某物 banned use of something
- 禁售活家禽 banning the sale of live poultry
- 洗礼、浸礼 baptism(n) /baptize (vt)/christen (vt); accept baptism
- 浸信会医院 Baptist Hospital
- (前)大律师公会主席梁家杰 Bar Association chairman Alan Leong Kah-kit
- (前)大律师公会主席汤家骅 Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong SC
- (前)大律师公会主席汤家骅 Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong SC
- 条形码/条形码 bar code
- 禁止外国公司收购意大利银行 bar foreign takeovers of Italian banks
- 讽刺话 barbed comments
- 巴比土酸盐 Barbiturates
- 巴比土酸盐 Barbiturates
- 巴塞罗那 Barcelona(Spain)
- 闯进一家饭店 barged into a hotel