- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 未老先衰 be getting old before his time/aging prematurely
- 大便失禁 be incontinent of faeces
- 被某人诱走 be lured away by somebody
- 被遣返往内地 be sent back across the border
- 被狗仔队跟踪 be shadowed by paparazzi
- 封闭(跑道) be taken out of service
- 被某人收购 be taken over by somebody
- 人道对待(战俘) be treated humanely
- 种痘 be vaccinated against smallpox
- 在珠江三角洲播放两条免费无线频道:亚视本港台和国际台(获得珠江三角洲落地权) beam its two free-to-air channels - ATV World and ATV Home - to the Pearl River Delta region
- 播放电视节目予所有广东观众收看 beam programmes to all TV viewers in Guangdong
- 养熊业 bear farming
- 熊市(跌市) bear market; Sterling has now moved into a major bear market.
- 殴打犯人迫供 beat a suspect into making a confession
- 禁毒基金会 Beat Drugs Fund Association
- 禁毒基金会 Beat Drugs Fund Association
- 赶跑狗只 beat off the dogs
- 巡警 beat police
- 打死你 beat you to death
- 落后股 beaten-down stocks
- 在荷兰出版界造成轰动 became a publishing sensation in Holland
- 变得情绪激动 became agitated
- 开始从政 became involved in politics
- (生病时)变得较为清醒 became more lucid
- 由于燃油现时占营运成本的四分之一以上,航空公司在油价上涨时特别容易受到打击。 Because fuel now accounts for more than a quarter of operating costs, airlines are particularly vulnerable to rising oil prices.