- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中国于1951年和梵蒂冈断交。 Beijing severed ties with the Vatican in 1951.
- 北京昨日首次警告,如果台湾拒绝就统一问题进行谈判,中国就以武力侵台。 Beijing warned Taiwan for the first time yesterday that refusal to negotiate on reunification could lead to military invasion.
- 中国不排除对台动武来统一中国。 Beijing was not committed to abandoning the use of force in seeking unification with Taiwan.
- 中国政府正密切关注事态发展。 Beijing was watching developments closely.
- 北京昨日邀请台湾执政党民进党的成员来访,并呼吁建立新的系统加强经济联系。此举显示中国对台立场明显软化。 Beijing yesterday signalled a significant softening in its Taiwan policy, inviting members of the island's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to visit the mainland and calling for a new system to boost economic ties.
- 可能北京政府对董建华已失去耐性。 Beijing's patience with Mr Tung had probably run-out.
- 被逮捕并移交国际法庭 being arrested and turned over to an international court
- 出现技术故障 being beset by technical hitches
- 旧式热水炉漏电夺命 being electrocuted by an old-style water heater
- 获发港岛区(巴士)专利权 being granted a franchise licence for Hong Kong Island
- 遭一名饮醉酒的司机驾车从后相撞 being hit in a rear-end collision by a drunk driver
- 被警员抬走 being man-handled by offices
- 被排斥 being ostracised
- 业务过杂 being over-diversified
- 民意取向令(官员)遭人取笑 being pilloried in the court of public opinion
- 不被学院取录 being refused admission to college
- 受催泪弹袭击而驱散 being repelled by tear gas
- 奉承老师 being sycophantic to teachers
- 被某人针对 being targeted by somebody
- 白俄罗斯(明斯克) Belarus(Minsk/Mensk)
- 比利时(布鲁塞尔) Belgium(Brussels)
- 相信中国不会动武 believe Beijing will not go beyond verbal attack
- 相信这件事会提高总统连任的机会 believed it would boost his re-election bid
- 相信电视连续剧描述的社会负面现象 believed the downside of society depicted in the dramas was factual
- 信徒 believer