克林顿的民望依然高企。 Bill's standing in public opinion polls remained high.法案委员会 Bills Committees孟加拉航空 Biman Bangladesh Airlines(厨房的)垃圾桶 bin拉登或其党羽 bin Laden or his associates生命宇宙论 biocosm能自动分解的 biodegradable (a)生物多样性 biodiversity日军在二次大战期间所做的生化战实验 biological and chemical warfare experiments by the
Japanese army during World War生物硝化厂 bionitrification plant生物科技公司 biotech company生物技术 biotechnology生物科技研讨会 biotechnology conference符合两党意愿的解决办法 bipartisan solution禽流感可以人传人。 Bird flu can be transmitted from one human to another.禽流感 bird flu/avian flu伯明翰 Birmingham陈主教称九九年的居港权释法事件的伤口还未愈合。 Bishop Zen said the wounds of the interpretation on
the right of abode saga in 1999 had yet to heal.苦瓜 Bitter Gourd黑白纹龙虾 Black and White-stripped Lobster北美升麻(防经前不适) black cohosh红鰽 Black Fin Red Snapper黑洞 black holes石头龙虾 Black Lobster黑海 Black Sea 语际翻译 版权所有
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