- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 血腥镇压民主示威 bloodily suppressed democratic protests
- 血迹 bloodstains
- 棒打 bludgeon
- 蓝白两色的中国瓷器 blue and white Chinese porcelain
- 蓝筹股 blue chip shares/blue chip stocks/blue chips
- 白蟹 Blue Swimming Crab
- 蓝领 blue-collar workers
- 油虾 Blue-tailed Shrimp
- 蓝牙技术 blue-tooth technology
- 疏忽 blunder (n)/(vi); The government had blundered in its handling of the affair.
- 宝马 BMW
- P百富勤BNP Prime Peregrine BN
- 博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum For Asia
- 公猪 boar
- 乘直通车上大陆 board direct coaches to the mainland
- 教育委员会 Board of Education
- 搭上荃湾线的尾班车回家 boarded the last train on the Tsuen Wan line home
- 在卷标上声称 boasts on its label that
- 船民 boat people
- 法律政策专员区义国 Bob Allcock, Solicitor General
- 菩提树 bodhi tree
- 人体艺术协会 Body Arts Association
- 身体语言 body language
- 尸体有遭虐打痕迹 body showed signs of physical abuse
- 体温 body temperature