

借用某人的说话    borrowing the words of somebody
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维亚(萨拉热窝)    Bosnia and Hercegovina(Sarajevo)
波士顿    Boston
波士顿龙虾    Boston Lobster
波士顿美术馆    Boston Museum of Fine Arts
植物制品    botanical
两家公司的业绩接近市场预期下限。    Both companies reported bottom lines towards the lower end of expectations.
两铁申请加价引来立法会议员群起反对,他们亦担心政府缺乏机制监管车费上调。    Both corporations' fare rise proposals yesterday triggered protests from lawmakers, some of whom were worried about the lack of a system to monitor fare rises.
两家铁路公司均依赖车站上盖物业的收益来兴建其广大的铁路系统。    Both have relied on profits from housing developments above their stations to fund the construction of their sprawling networks.
两人获准以一千元保释,须在四月四日前向警方报到。    Both men have been released on $1,000 police bail and have to report back to police on April 4.
两人拒绝透露谈话内容。    Both men refused to disclose what had been discussed.
曾荫权和唐英年都被视为下届特首的热门人选。    Both Mr Tsang and Mr Tang are tipped as forerunners in the race for the next chief executive.
电单车和汽车均严重损毁。    Both the bike and car were severely damaged.
民主党和前依然企硬,要求零七实行普选。    Both the Democratic Party and The Frontier stood firm in their demand for universal suffrage by 2007.
放置回收空玻璃瓶的容器    bottle bank
喂食奶粉    bottle-fed
樽装水    bottled water
低等的/中等的/高等的    bottom-end/mid-range/top-end
在数份报纸上登全版广告    bought full-page ads in several papers
边境建设税    Boundary Facilities Improvement Tax
退出二零零四年总统大选    bow out of the 2004 presidential race
向富商屈服    bow to pressure from rich businessmen
抵不过舆论压力/敌不过舆论压力    bowed to strong criticism/yielded to public pressure
肾小球囊    Bowman's capsule
盒龟    box turtle
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