- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 简单地提及某事 briefly touched upon something
- 对政治危机和经济衰退带来帮助 bring a positive impact to the political crisis or ailing economic conditions
- 为我们的经济带来数以十亿元计的经济收益 bring billions of dollars of economic benefit to our economy
- 令中国跻身发达国家之列 bring China into the league of developed nations
- 减低买楼成本/减低置业成本 bring down housing costs
- 为香港带来好运 bring good fortune to Hong Kong
- 设立卷标制度 bring in a labelling system
- 规定基因改造食品必须名上卷标 bring in mandatory labelling of genetically modified (GM) foods
- 务求中国的商业习惯符合国际标准 bring its business practices more into line with international standards
- 团结我们的人民 bring our nation together
- 为**等敏感议题举行全民公投 bring sensitive issues such as independence to a public vote
- 阻止抢掠 bring the looting under control
- 依照世界卫生组织所定下的标准制造银杏制品 bring their ginkgo extract products in line with WHO specifications
- 从商界吸纳人才进政府 bringing in talent from the private sector into government
- (某项目)的盈利占公司总盈利的三分一 brings in about a third of company's profits
- 边缘政策 brinkmanship (u); Brinkmanship is a method of gaining political advantage by pretending that you are willing to do something very dangerous.
- 布里斯班 Brisbane
- (交投)活跃 brisk/heavy/hectic (trading)
- 刷毛 bristle
- 英国航空 British Airways
- 英国广播公司(英) British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- 大不列颠群岛 British Isles
- 子宫宽韧带 broad ligament of uterus
- 宽频 broadband
- 宽频用户 broadband users