- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 无删剪地播出 broadcast something in full
- 广播事务管理局 Broadcasting Authority
- 广播牌照 broadcasting licences
- 开源节流 broaden sources of income and contain expanses
- 更多人认识他们的品牌 broaden the reach of their brand names
- 西兰花 Broccoli
- 打破禁忌 broke a taboo
- 解体 broke apart
- 打破对某事的沉默态度 broke his silence on something
- 断开三截 broke into three???
- 在早会向学生宣布这项消息 broke the news to their students at morning assembly
- 婚姻破裂 broken marriages
- 经纪行 brokerages
- 股票经纪 brokers/dealers/traders
- 支气管 bronchial tubes/bronchi
- 小支气管 bronchioles
- 支气管炎 bronchitis
- 铜紫荆星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star
- 青铜器 bronzes
- 扫帚柄 broom sticks
- 扫把头 Broom-head
- 妓院 brothel
- 将缅甸从分裂边缘拯救回来 brought Burma back forom the brink of disintegration
- 令数以十万计的反对派支持者走上街头 brought hundreds of thousands of opposition demonstrators on to the streets
- 为以色列和埃及带来和平 brought peace to Isreal and Egypt