- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 芝麻斑 Brown-spotted Grouper
- 逛书店和唱片店 browse through book stores and CD shops
- 浏览器 browser
- 上网 browsing the internet
- 撞伤 bruise (vi)(vt)/(n); bruise my head/gets several cuts and bruises on his face
- 女死者下巴有瘀痕,右手有伤痕。 Bruises were found on the woman's chin and there was a cut on her right hand.
- 刷牙 brush their teeth
- 残酷、惨无人道 brutality
- 泡沫经济 bubble economy
- 逆市而行 bucked the trend
- 扣紧了的皮带 buckled belt
- 佛诞在港首度列为公众假期。 Buddha's birthday is being marked for the first time as a public holiday in Hong Kong.
- 佛牙 Buddha's tooth
- 佛教 Buddhism
- 鸡奸 buggery (u)/sodomy (u); Buggery is anal sex./Sodomy is a sexual act in which a man puts his sex organ into someone's anus, especially that of another man.
- 建设一个和谐社会 build a harmonious society
- 在北大屿山选址发展现代化物流园 build a modern Logistics Park on North Lantau Island
- 建立党对党共同沟通平台 build a platform for regular party-to-party consultation
- 建立一个制度和文化,就是政府官员要负上政治责任 build a system and culture of political accountability
- 打造国际品牌 build an international brand
- 兴建总楼面逾一百五十五万平方呎的住宅 build flats over a gross floor area of 1.55 million sq ft.
- 建立互信 build mutual trust
- 建立自尊 build self-esteem
- 在添马舰兴建新的政府总部 build the new government headquarters at Tamar
- 与某人展开积极性对话 build up constructive dialogue with somebody