- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 二零零七年之前七成市民拥有自置物业 boost home ownership to 70 per cent by 2007
- 提升香港的国际形象 boost Hong Kong's international image
- 提升港人语文水平 boost Hong Kong's language standards
- 扩大军事对话 boost military exchange
- 带动薄扶林区楼市向好 boost property sales in Pokfulam
- 提升教师士气和教育质素 boost teacher morale and the quality of education
- 提升教师士气和教育质素 boost teacher morale and the quality of education
- 刺激楼市 boost the property market
- 提升香港在国际社会的地位 boost the SAR's position in the international community
- 激励第二和第三梯队成员 boost the second and third-tier members
- 加强教育,遏止毒品 boosting anti-drug education
- 加强教育,遏止毒品 boosting anti-drug education
- 提升士气,促进社会团结 boosting morale and social unity
- 刺激二手楼市场 boosting the secondary housing market
- 走私的 bootleg
- 走私的 bootleg
- 走私盒带和唱片 bootleg tapes and CDs
- 走私盒带和唱片 bootleg tapes and CDs
- 波尔多 Bordeaux(France)
- 会加强边境的巡逻及防御工作 border controls would be beefed up
- 会加强边境的巡逻及防御工作 border controls would be beefed up
- 先天有缺陷 born with congenital malformations
- 向亲友借钱 borrow money from relatives and friends
- 借款人要留意利率可能急升。 Borrowers were yesterday warned to be on their guard against a sudden surge in interest rates.
- 借贷成本 borrowing costs