- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 不丹(延布) Bhutan(Thimphu)
- 圣经 Bible
- 二头肌 bicep
- 二尖瓣 bicuspid valve/mitral valve
- 争取成为联合国安理会常任理事国 bid for a UN Security Souncil seat
- 竞投者 bidders
- 今日截标。 Bidding closed today.
- 大五码 BIG 5 code
- 早晨全餐 Big Breakfast
- 大城市 big cities
- 大头鱼 Big Head
- 巨无霸 Big Mac
- 大富豪张子强 Big Spender Cheung Tze-keung
- 大制作 big-budget productions
- 大字报 big-character posters
- 大头虾 Big-head River Shrimp
- 重婚者 bigamists
- 重婚法 bigamy law; Bigamy is the crime of being married to two people at the same time.
- 木棉鱼 Bigeye
- 单日最大升幅 biggest one-day gain
- 胆管 bile duct
- 胆监 bile salts
- (前总统)克林顿 Bill Clinton
- 微软公司首席软件设计师比尔盖兹 Bill Gates, chief software architect, Microsoft Corp.
- 警察机动部队校长孙贵良 Bill Suen Kwai-leung, commandant of the Police Tactical Unit