- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 交战国/交战份子 belligerent/combatant/warring party
- 贝洛奥里藏特 Belo Horizonte(Brazil)
- 受益人 beneficiary
- 受惠于楼市复苏 benefited from an upturn in the property market
- 良性肿瘤 benign tumour
- 苯甲酸 benzoic acid
- 因某事痛骂某人 berate somebody for something
- 刚刚丧失亲人的 bereaved (a); a bereaved mother/recently bereaved families
- 白令海 Bering Sea
- 百慕大群岛 Bermuda
- 陈智思 Bernard Charnwut Chan
- 停泊装上货柜 berthed to load containers
- (货柜码头的)泊位 berths
- 内外受敌、内忧外患 beset by enemies from within and without
- 包围立法会 besiege the Legislative Council building
- 最大努力 best endeavours (n); uses his use his best endeavours to do sth/despite our best endeavours
- 最优惠利率 best lending rate/prime rate
- 伴郎 best man
- 最佳观星地点 best viewing places
- 人兽交 bestiality (n)
- 槟榔西施 betel nut girls/betel nut beauties
- 较佳投资回报 better investment returns
- 博彩税 betting duty
- 董赵洪娉 Betty Tung Chiu Hung-ping
- 九五年十月至今,每季在沙洲和龙鼓洲纪录得(中华白海豚)出现次数为七十九次至一百零五次。 Between 79 and 105 sightings of the marine mammals have been made in Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau each quarter since October 1995.