- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 因为怕留堂 because of the fear of getting a detention
- 因为收生不足 because of under-enrolment of students
- 碧咸的无数亚洲球迷可为皇马带来数以百万计美元的商品收入。 Beckham's legions of Asian fans could bring Real millions in merchandising revenue.
- 成为联合国安理会常任理事国 become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Councl
- 只要牠们性方面成熟,就会变得很有侵略性 become aggressive once they reached sexual maturity
- 变得和时代及人民脱节 become archaic and disconnected from their citizens
- 成为电盈的第二大股东 become PCCW's second-largest shareholder
- 因崇尚节食而导致体重过轻 becoming underweight because they were obsessed with dieting
- 啤酒 beer
- 甜菜根 Beetroot
- 郑经翰参选立法会选举前,必须先放弃加拿大护照,以符合基本法规定。 Before he could run for Legco, Cheng would have to forsake his Canadian passport to comply with the Basic Law.
- 在收市前 before the market closes
- 怠工 began a go-slow
- 进行紧急插喉/插管 began an emergency intubation
- 无了期地不再在苹果日报属下报刊卖广告 began an indefinite advertising ban on all Apple Group publications
- 开始和成克杰亲热 began an intimate relationship with Cheng
- 开始反弹 began clawing back some of their losses
- 开始还火 began returning fire
- 九八年十一月开始面临通缩 began to experience deflation in November 1998
- 恳求宽大 begging for leniency
- 在丹麦展开试验计划 begin a pilot program in Denmark
- 在三十岁或四十岁后才开始生育 begin childbearing in their 30s or 40s
- 中国已明确表明反对美国向台出售驱逐舰的计划。 Beijing had made firmly clear its objections to the planned sale of the destroyers.
- 中国的汇率改革自九四年开始,至今仍未有停止。 Beijing had never ceased reforming the exchange-rate regime since it was introduced in 1994.
- 张惠妹在台湾总统就职典礼上唱中华民国国歌,遭中国政府封杀。 Beijing has pulled the plug on Taiwanese pop star Sherry Chang Huei-mei for singing the island's national anthem at President Chen Shui-bian's inauguration.