- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 股息息率 yield
- 盐业银行 Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Ltd.
- 叶继欢 Yip Kai-foon
- 基督教青年会 YMCA
- 横滨 Yokohama
- 你已唱衰香港六年。 You have bad-mouthed Hong Kong for six years already.
- 你要和来自不同时区的人协调。 You need to co-ordinate with all the people across all the time zones.
- 要不你就收回言论,要不你就不要咨询,因为没有人会相信你会客观公正研究公众意见。 You should either withdraw your comments or you should not conduct the consultation as no one would believe you will be objective and impartial in studying the views collected.
- 你支持出兵伊拉克。 You supported the war in Iraq.
- 你利用孩子们因你是他们的前度褓姆,对你信任而犯案。 You took advantage of the trust these children placed in you as their ex-amah.
- 幼童 young children
- 滥用药物的青年人 young drug abusers
- 滥用药物的青年人 young drug abusers
- 年轻夫妇 young married couples
- 青少年罪犯评估项目小组 Young Offender Assessment Panel
- 一项调查发现,本港年青人比其它亚洲国家的年青人对毒品、喝酒和一夜情等方面持较开放态度。 Young people in Hong Kong are more rebellious and liberal in their attitudes to drugs, alcohol and casual sex than their counterparts in other Asian countries, a survey has concluded.
- (民主党)少壮派 Young Turks
- 节瓜 Young Wax Gourd
- 你的思维太保守和亲政府。 Your way of thinking is too conservative and too pro-government.
- 展翅计划 Youth Pre-employment Training Programme (YPTP)
- 青年自雇支持计划 Youth Self-employment Support Scheme
- 青少年见习就业计划 Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme (YWETS)
- 青少年聚集的原宿 youth-centric Harajuku
- 远华集团 Yuan Hua Group
- 人民币政策 yuan policy