- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 从事主户口偷取 126,900元siphon a total of $126,900 from his victim's account
- 暂停营业 14天suspend trading for 14 days
- 十六座位公共小型巴士 16 seater public light bus
- 自 1985年起,单身人士可申请公共房屋。Single people have been allowed to apply for public rental housing since 1985.
- 在 1985至1992年间任立法局及行政局议员sat on the Legislative and Executive councils between 1985 and 1992
- 部分豪宅比 1997年的售价还要贵。Some luxury apartments are even more expensive than in 1997.
- 自 2004年1月,美国联邦储备局已加息六次Since January 2004 the US Federal Reserve has raised its fed funds rate six times.
- 自四月起,叛军已处决了 23名人质。Since April, the rebels have executed 23 hostages there.
- 渣打集团有限公司( 2888)Standard Chartered PLC
- 以盐水浸四季豆 30分钟,以洗去残余农药soak string beans in salted water for at least 30 minutes to dilute any residual pesticides
- 苏 30战机Sukhoi-30 jets
- 每天应进食 400克以上的蔬果should eat at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables a day
- 某人被判入狱 41年somebody is given a 41-year sentence
- 再升百分之 5.71surged a further 5.71 per cent
- 中期业绩盈利大跌百分之 75.78至42.1亿元saw interim profit tumble 75.78 per cent to $4.21 billion
- 受不利消息影响,(有线)股价下挫百分之 8.11至4.25元saw its share price drop 8.11 per cent to $4.25 on the back of the news
- 最低跌至 8.95元。尾市稍为回升,收报9.05元。Shares dipped to $8.95 before recovering slightly to $9.05.
- 新意网集团有限公司( 8008)Sunevision Holdings Ltd.
- 落成两年内沉降了 85毫米至133毫米,异乎寻常subsided an abnormal 85mm to 133mm within two years of completion
- 安息日 Sabbath
- 损坏 sabotage (u)/(vt)
- 糖精 saccharin
- 裁减本地人手逾四分一 sacked more than a quarter of its Hong Kong workforce
- 圣礼、圣典 sacrament
- 为了温习而不睡觉 sacrifice sleep for revision