- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 在她任内最后一天说道 said on her last day at the department
- 透过卫星转播说 said over satellite relay
- 认为茶点费物无所值 said snack fees were not value for money
- 表示若然政府不就削资问题全面咨询学生意见,学生会罢课 said students would boycott classes if the government did not fully consult them on the funding cuts
- 日本清酒 sake
- 萨哈林岛/库页岛 Sakhalin
- 薪俸税 salaries tax
- 租者置其屋计划 Sale of Rental Flats Scheme
- 受禽流感消息困扰,本地鸡档生意锐减七成,尽管有关当局保证今次不会重现九七年禽流感事件。 Sales of chicken at markets slumped 70 per cent yesterday as bird flu worries gripped the SAR, despite official assurances that this was no re-run of the 1997 outbreak.
- 销售税 sales tax
- 水杨素(止痛) salicin
- 水杨酸 salicylic acid
- 唾液腺 salivary gland
- 胡仙 Sally Aw Sian
- 沙门氏菌 salmonella
- 赞扬 saluted
- 向欢乐的支持者致谢 saluted joyous supporters
- 救赎 salvation
- 香港撒玛利亚防止自杀会 Samaritan Befrienders HK
- 不过夜的旅客 same-day visitors
- 舢板/舢舨 sampan
- 仿真试题/仿真试卷 sample test papers
- 已抽取怀疑有问题的带子作为样本。 Samples of the questionable scallops have been taken.
- 圣安东尼奥 San Antonio
- 圣迭戈/圣地亚哥 San Diego