- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 卫星城市 satellite cities
- 卫星通信 satellite communication
- 卫星图片 satellite images
- 卫星图片/卫星照片 satellite photos
- 卫星电视有限公司 Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd.
- 卫星电视/卫视 satellite TV
- 满足读者的好奇心 satisfying readers' curiosity
- 饱和脂肪 saturated fat
- 沙地阿拉伯航空公司 Saudi Arabian Airlines
- 沙特阿拉伯(利雅特) Saudi Arabia(Riyadh)
- 猪柳汉堡 Sausage McMuffin
- 猪柳蛋汉堡 Sausage McMuffin with Egg
- 使他们两夫妇不至于要坐牢 save the couple from being jailed
- 可省回六千一百万元人工开支 save up to HK$61 million in staff costs
- 帮了政府一把 saved the Government's skin
- 避免实时破产 saves somebody from immediate bankruptcy
- 储蓄户口 savings account
- 储蓄利率 savings deposit rates
- 担心他的头号对手会在该区称霸 saw the danger that its arch rival might become the region's dominant player
- 饭前祈祷 say prayers before eating
- 指责党内核心成员打压少壮派 saying core members were trying to ostracise anyone not in the mainstream
- 表示他并不认为这代表华府政策有变 saying he did not think they signalled a reversal of Washington's policy
- 疥癣 scabies
- 棚架 scaffold
- 拆棚 scaffold dismantling