- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 派位结果将在七月十七日公布。 School allocations will be announced on July 17.
- 学童牙科保健服务 School Dental Care Service
- 学校教育 school education
- 学校教育 school education
- 学童 school kids
- 学童 school kids
- 学校网 school nets
- 校舍 school premises
- 学校小食部 school tuck shop
- 学校小食部 school tuck shop
- 学校的小食部 school tuck shops
- 学校废纸回收计划 School Waste Paper Recycling Scheme
- 平时分/校内成绩最多会占总分百分之三十。 School-based assessments will account for as much as 30 per cent of the overall grades.
- 校本课程剪裁计划 School-based Curriculum Tailoring Scheme
- 校本课程剪裁计划 School-based Curriculum Tailoring Scheme
- 学校教师 school-teacher
- 学校教师 school-teacher
- 昨午暴雨,下午校停课,学童提早放学。 Schoolchildren were yesterday sent home early when afternoon lessons were cancelled due to heavy rain.
- 学校分阶段复课。 Schools are reopening in stages
- 科学园 Science Park
- 科学证据 scientific evidence
- 剪刀 scissors
- 巩膜 sclera
- 破纪录考获七优 scored a record seven As
- 暂时停止向台售卖四艘精密的驱逐舰 scotched the immediate sale to Taiwan of four sophisticated destroyers