- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 为国捐躯 sacrificed their lives for the country /gave their lives for their country
- 亵渎神明的事 sacrilege
- 侯塞因/萨达姆 Saddam Hussein
- 虐待狂倾向的 sadistic
- 性虐待 sado-masochistic/sadomasochistic acts
- 保险箱 safe box/safe deposit boxes
- 保卫中国主权和领土完整 safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity
- 保障资金自由流通 safeguard the free flow of information and capital
- 维护妇女权益 safeguard the rights and interests of women
- 捍卫国土完整 safeguard the territorial integrity
- 防撞栏 safety barriers/safety rails/road safety barriers/roadside barriers
- 安全帽 safety cap
- 安全耳罩 safety earmuff
- 安全护目镜 safety googles
- 月台幕门 safety screen doors
- 安全背心 safety vest
- 西贡区 Sai Kung
- 西贡海 Sai Kung Hoi/Inner Port Shelter
- 西沙路 Sai Sha Road
- 西湾河 Sai Wan Ho
- 西营盘 Sai Ying Pun
- 在电视直播中现身说 said in a live television appearance
- 强调这场大火不是(通用)的错 said it was not at fault for the blaze
- 在商台节目中表示 said on a Commercial Radio programme that
- 在一个港台节目中表示 said on an RTHK radio programme