顶包当肇事者 stand in for Tse as the culprit(指何秀兰)靠自己去参选立法会选举 stand on her own in the Legco election自食其力 stand on their own feet(盟约)经得起时间考验 stand the test of time因行贿而受审 stand trial on corruption charges标准普尔调低香港数家地产公司的信贷评级,包括香港置地、太古地产和希慎兴业。 Standard and Poors has downgraded the
credit ratings of Hong Kong property developers Hong Kong Land Holdings, Swire Pacific
Properties and Hysan Development.渣打银行 Standard Chartered Bank渣打银行董事长王冬胜 Standard Chartered Bank director Peter Wong Tung-shun渣打银行存户如在任何一日的结余少于一万元,即要在该月支付一百元月费。 Standard Chartered customers who allow
their account balances to fall below $10,000 on any single day in a month will pay a
monthly charge of $100.基本储蓄利率 standard savings rate安老服务统一评估机制 Standardized Care Need Assessment for Elderly Services公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and
Conditions of Service全国政协常委 Standing Committee member of the Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference全国人民代表大会常务委员会 Standing Committee of the NPC首长级薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions
of Service纪律人员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and
Conditions of Service司法人员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of
Service严阵以待 stands in combat readiness赤柱 Stanley何鸿燊 Stanley Ho Hung-sun地产建设商会主席何鸿燊 Stanley Ho Hung-sun , chairman of the Real Estate Developers'
Association天星小轮 Star Ferry名嘴 star talk-show hosts政治明星候选人 star-class candidates(船舶、飞机的)右舷 starboard 语际翻译 版权所有
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