收集有关中国官员的情报 spy on Chinese officials间谍卫星 spy satellite暗中侦察软件 spyware平方呎 square foot寮屋 squatter挤进车厢 squeeze into the compartment镇压他的声音、不准他出声 squelch his voice斯里兰卡(科伦坡) Sri Lanka(Colombo)斯里兰卡航空 SriLankan Airlines圣劳伦斯河 St Lawrence圣伯多禄大教堂 St Peter's Basilica圣伯多禄广场 St Peter's Square长洲医院 St. John Hospital金丝桃(抗忧郁) St. John's wort圣路易邮讯报 St. Louis Post-Dispatch圣保禄医院 St. Paul's Hospital圣彼德堡 St. Petersburg(Russia)圣德肋撒医院 St. Teresa's Hospital用长刀刺父母 stabbed his parents with a long knife稳定楼价 stabilising property prices工会 staff unions绝食抗议 stage a hunger strike in protest at……展开拯救行动 stage a rescue bid静坐 stage a sit-in绝食三日 stage a three-day hunger strike 语际翻译 版权所有
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