令他头破血流 split his scalp open分拆名单 split the list把大学分为研究型和教学型 split university into research and teaching-oriented
institutions把大学分为研究型和教学型 split university into research and teaching-oriented
institutions分名单策略/分票策略 split-ticket strategy分化社会 splitting the community破坏该区的自然景色 spoil the area's natural beauty公开反对(在学校)宣扬同性恋 spoke out against the promotion of homosexuality资助恐怖主义的国家 sponsors of terrorism间谍 spook断断续续的战争 sporadic fighting体育、演艺、文化及出版界 Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication看见丈夫倒卧在大厦的一楼平台 spotted her husband lying on the first-floor podium of the
building斑林狸 spotted linsang扭伤 sprain (n)/(vt)/wrench (n)/(vi)(vt); sprains/wrenches his ankle在广场里乱枪扫射 spray the centre with bullets被喷杀虫水 sprayed with insecticide透过人传人传播 spreading through human-to-human transmission经飞沫传播 spreads through water droplets洒水系统 sprinkler system芽菜主义 sproutarianism支线 spur line刺激消费者购买新手提电话 spur the purchase of new cell phones情报机关/谍报机构 spy agency搜捕间谍的人 spy catcher 语际翻译 版权所有
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