加快经罗湖过境的旅客的出入境速度 speed up the flow of people across the boundary at the Lo
Wu control point加快民主进程 speed up the pace of democracy快艇 speedboats快艇 speedboats加快检验旧楼 speeding up inspections of old buildings加快推行全日制小学 speeding up the process of whole-day schooling加快推行全日制小学 speeding up the process of whole-day schooling超速驾驶 speeding (u); Liz was found guilty of speeding and fined $400./The
police caught him speeding.地区选举经费上限 spending limit in geographical polls花四小时在该区搜索 spent 4 hours combing the area在监狱度过一晚 spent the night in jail精子 sperm精子银行/精子库 sperm bank输精管 sperm duct/vas deferens抹香鲸 sperm whale杀精剂 spermicides防水和防震 spill- and drop-resistant脊柱裂 spina bifida菠菜 Spinach脊髓 spinal cord脊髓神经 spinal nerves未婚女子 spinster/unmarried woman/old maid精神领袖 spiritual leader(导弹)碎片 splinters分拆两张名单 split candidates there into two lists 语际翻译 版权所有
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