仍有几本书买不到 still has a few school books missing仍要供楼 still has a mortgage to pay off仍然和台湾有邦交 still maintaining ties with Taipei/still maintain diplomatic
relations with Taiwan仍能在新界西取得两席 still won two seats in New Territories West(婴儿)生下来就是死的/死产的 stillborn(大澳)棚屋 stilt houses兴奋剂 stimulants兴奋剂 stimulants刺激消费意欲 stimulate consumer confidence刺激就业 stimulate employment开胃口 stimulate the appetite刺激经济 stimulate the economy刺激糖尿病患者生产胰岛素。 stimulates insulin production in diabetics富启发性 stimulating富启发性 stimulating刺激儿童阅读的兴趣 stimulating children's interest in reading(蜜蜂)螫伤 sting (n)/(vi)(vt)规定 stipulate(招募时)规定身高和体重要求 stipulate weight and height limits煸情 stir up emotions over something挑拨离间她和特首 stir up trouble between her and Mr Tung引起极大争议 stirred up a huge controversy联针 stitch (n)/(v); He had three stitches on his face./stitch up the cut
股市 stock market/stock exchange/bourse股市未受是次军事袭击波动。 Stock markets were unmoved by the attack. 语际翻译 版权所有
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