- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 狂犬病 rabies
- 造马案 race-fixing racket
- 造马 race-rigging
- 种族歧视 racial discrimination
- 敲诈者 racketeer (n)
- 勾当(收保护费的勾当) racket; a drugs/gambling/smuggling racket/ a protection racket
- 计算机萤光幕的幅射 radiation emitted from computer screens
- 等候接听时手机发出的辐射 radiation emitted from the phones while connecting
- 伊斯兰激进分子 radical Islamic extremists
- 激进的乡村代表 radical village representatives
- 收音机 radio
- 电召费 radio call surcharge
- 香港电台 Radio Television Hong Kong
- 放射性物质 radioactive material
- 放射线专科医师 radiologist
- 桡骨 radius
- 拾荒者 ragpickers
- 突击搜查争取居港权人士的家 raided the homes of abode seekers
- 突击搜查两个住宅单位及西湾河一家影印店 raided two residential units and a photocopying shop in Sai Wan Ho
- 以铁路为骨干的运输政策 rail-led transport policy
- 雨云 rain clouds
- 彩虹新地筒 Rainbow Cone
- 集资 raise capital/raise finance
- 加息 raise interest rates
- 调高借贷和储蓄利率 raise interest rates for both loans and deposits